Certified Biometric Security Technician (CBST)


CBST is a highly specialized program designed for technicians and operators supporting biometric systems in the field. A crucial requirement in maintaining optimal performance of biometric systems is to have properly trained and qualified operators. Currently, there is a shortage of qualified biometric technicians to support the various US Government and private sector biometric programs – don’t miss out on this great professional opportunity. 


  • CBSP and 2 years of technical experience with a focus on information security.
  • Fundamentals of biometric technologies with a focus on fingerprint, face and iris recognition
  • Sensor technology of fingerprint, face and iris sensors
  • Capture 10-prints on livescan sensor and inkpads
  • Capture standardized facial images
  • Capture iris samples using handheld devices
  • Discussion of SEEK, HIIDE, BAT, CAC, BISA and other technologies
  • Basic principles of biometric system error rates including false accept, false reject, false match, false non match, equal error rate, detection error tradeoff curve
  • Enrollment procedures supervised biometric systems
  • Biometric standards used in government systems
  • Operational challenges and solutions of deployed systems
Duration - 24 hours
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